Practical Nursing – Assiniboine Community College

Program Info

School: Assiniboine Community College
Faculty: School of Health & Human Services
Degree: Diploma
Field of Study: Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants, Other
Description: Your strong background in math and science, and your ability to problem solve and think critically, prepare you for a career in this high demand industry. Being a part of a healthcare team that works with clients and their families in a various settings, you must be flexible and willing to do shift work. Hands-on practical skills are taught in modern lab settings and also applied in acute and extended-care health facilities, personal care homes, community agencies and private homes during your clinical placements. Learn from knowledgeable instructors who currently work in industry.
URL: Practical Nursing at Assiniboine Community College
Course Based: Yes
Length: 2 Year(s)
Scholarships: 1


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